Bremer Whyte has extensive, broad-based experience representing businesses, corporations, individuals and insurance companies facing liability and mass tort actions stemming from environmental, toxic tort and habitational statute violation claims and litigation. The Firm represents clients in cases ranging from personal injury claims from benzene and asbestos exposure, to toxic mold claims and landlord habitation statute violations. These complex, multiple-party cases create overlapping areas of liability including extensive personal injuries, property damages and economic losses, as well as possible massive statutory-based penalties. Bremer Whyte is a leader at cutting edge scientific research and medical/technical evaluations of claims for its environmental toxic tort and habitation cases, and we work closely with the acknowledged leaders in the scientific and technical fields to provide the best evaluation and defenses for our clients. We offer highly respected, well-seasoned counsel trial counsel who combine their litigation skills with well-known expertise in early evaluation, mediation and alternate dispute resolution.