Congratulations to Arizona Partner John Belanger and Associate Ryan Leibel on their recent success extricating a large warehouse retail client via Motion to Dismiss.
This case arose from an alleged incident that occurred on the premises of BWB&O’s client. Plaintiff alleged that, while inside the warehouse, she suffered serious injuries after another customer struck Plaintiff with a shopping cart. Plaintiff asserted a negligence claim against BWB&O’s client, alleging that BWB&O’s client overloaded the subject shopping cart which, in turn, created an unreasonably dangerous condition. Plaintiff also alleged that BWB&O’s client failed to implement proper social distancing protocols as required by multiple statewide Executive Orders in effect at the time.
John and Ryan filed a Motion to Dismiss the claims against BWB&O’s client, arguing Plaintiff named BWB&O’s client outside the applicable limitations period, and Plaintiff could not satisfy the requisite elements for application of the relation-back doctrine. As to the merits, John and Ryan argued that, absent a special relationship, BWB&O’s client did not owe a duty to control the acts of a third-party. John and Ryan also argued that the subject Executive Orders (implemented to curb the spread of Covid-19) did not create a private right of action. The Court agreed with John and Ryan on all three arguments and dismissed Plaintiff’s claims against BWB&O’s client, with prejudice.
Congratulations to John and Ryan on an incredible outcome!