Newport Beach
Newport Beach
Los Angeles
Las Vegas
San Diego
Walnut Creek
North San Diego
(949)221-1000 (949)221-1001 20320 S.W. Birch Street Second Floor, Newport Beach CA 92660
(818)712-9800 (818)712-9900 21215 Burbank Blvd. Suite 500, Woodland Hills CA 91367
(702)258-6665 (702)258-6662 1160 N Town Center Dr Suite 250, Las Vegas NV 89144
(619)236-0048 (619)236-0047 501 West Broadway Suite 1700, San Diego CA 92101
(510)540-4881 (510)540-4889 2033 N. Main St. Suite 600, Walnut Creek, Ca 94596
(602)274-1204 (602)274-1205 2525 West Frye Rd Suite 200 Chandler, AZ 85224
(775)440-2389 (775) 440-2390 50 West Liberty Suite 1090, Reno NV 89501
(720) 779-2500 (303)256-6205 1999 Broadway, Suite 3250, Denver, Colorado 80202
(760)557-2940 (619)389-2993 760 Garden View Ct. Unit #220 Encinitas, CA 92024
(949) 221-1000 (949) 221-1001 1910 Pacific Avenue, Suite 2000 Dallas, Texas 75201

Damon Booth and Cody Marriott Were Featured Speakers at the 2019 Small Business Institute

We are proud to announce that our Reno Associate Attorneys Damon Booth and Cody Marriott were invited to speak on a panel at the 2019 Small Business Institute in Reno, Nevada. The panel was hosted by the Nevada Legal Services, Inc. and the Nevada Small Business Development Center. The attendees consisted of small business owners and entrepreneurs from around the Reno area.

Mr. Booth and Mr. Marriott discussed business owner liabilities and potential exposure, and participated in an “Ask-a-Lawyer” networking breakout following the presentation.

They also provided procedures and pitfalls in order to further assist these entrepreneurs and small business owners.

If you are interested in learning more about our Business and Employment Litigation Practice Areas, and how we can be a trusted resource, please visit our Practices pages!