Bremer Whyte Partners Alison K. Hurley and Allison K. Howard defended the owner of a Los Angeles tavern in a four-week Jury Trial in Downtown Los Angeles. Plaintiff claimed he was struck in the hand with a dart thrown at him by the Co-Defendant, an allegedly drunken patron. Plaintiff argued the mere presence of a dartboard inside the bar was unreasonable, and that our client failed to adhere to the standard of care for employee training and removal of intoxicated guests. Plaintiff argued Co-Defendant committed battery by intentionally striking him with the dart.
Plaintiff asserted that the dart injury resulted in a host of severe medical conditions, including CRPS and Central Sensitization. The claimed injuries allegedly left the 40-year-old Plaintiff totally disabled and unable to work for the rest of his life.
The night before Closing Arguments, Plaintiff demanded $14.9 million to settle, coming down from an earlier demand of $20 million. Plaintiff blackboarded $15.2 million in damages during closing, including $9.5 million for past and future pain and suffering.
The jury returned a complete defense verdict in favor of our client.