BWB&O’s Newport Beach Partner Alison Hurley and Associate Jennifer Schwarz recently won a Motion for Summary Judgment (“MSJ”) in the District Court for the Central District of California, completely extricating BWB&O’s client from the action.
Plaintiffs sued BWB&O’s client and others, including the City of Los Angeles, and several LAPD officers in Federal Court, alleging eleven (11) causes of action. Plaintiffs alleged federal civil rights violations and constitutional violations along with various state tort and civil rights claims. Through its motion practice, BWB&O was successfully able to get all of the civil rights claims against its client dismissed, along with the three state tort claims. Plaintiffs alleged BWB&O’s client was negligent in allowing LAPD officers to access common areas of the property while conducting their investigation of an alleged armed robbery.
Through targeted discovery, strong moving papers and oral argument before Judge Gee, Ms. Hurley and Ms. Schwarz successfully convinced the court to rule in their client’s favor on its Motion for Summary Judgment on all claims. The Court’s ruling yielded a complete dismissal of BWB&O’s client after just 10 months of litigation.